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The following list is the changes, corrections, and additions to the Atrex package since the most recent major release.

  • ยป = New Feature or Functionality

--- Modifications for 22.01 ---

Build 3

  • Increment scan function not updating existing entries on subsequent product entry.

Build 1

  • Scheduler event report template not loading due to hard coded mixed case template name.
  • Customer No Statements indicator mapping to incorrect field for customer import function.
  • Added code to prevent assigning a master customer to a customer record that is already a master for another customer.
  • Clicking on the New/Edit/Delete selections from the recurring invoice Maintenance window popup menu does not execute the expected functions.
  • Minor improvement on startup performance for WAN connections.
  • Modified cached lookup processing to close cached tables/queries after loading to reduce number of locks being held on the server.
  • Recurring scheduler events on Customers, Vendors, and SOs was causing the window to fail to display.
  • Modified scheduler Customers, Vendors, and SOs to remove recurring event deletions and to show the actual start date for recurring exceptions that change the start time.
  • Inventory worksheet update window is not prompting to print the difference report prior to updating the stock code table with the new quantities.
  • Inventory worksheet update filter check is not ignoring an active blank filter.
  • Modified server temporary file cleanup job to run daily instead of at server engine startup.
  • US phone format is being applied to customers with the Open Phone Format option selected.
  • Prepaid orders with credit card surcharges are creating account credits for the surcharge amounts when shipped.
  • Server engine downgraded from version 2.38b2 to 2.37b3 to prevent shared read lock errors (EDB Error #300) caused by an AV in the server dead session cleanup.*

* Requires re-download and installation of database server engine.

--- End of 22.01 ---

--- Modifications for 22.00 ---

Build 77

  • Stock code on-order detail and Open PO Selection windows displaying 12/30/1899 for null expected dates.
  • Removing PO expected date on existing PO is not clearing the expected date field in the PO table.

Build 76

  • Added missing thousands separator to AR payment receipt report template.
  • Forced default of price by value for customer special pricing.
  • Modified SMTP send to work around recent gmail bulk email restrictions.

Build 74 (Initial Release) - Changes in this section are corrections to issues identified after the last build of Atrex 21.

  • Forced PO batch PO filter to upper case stock code values in the filter entry window.
  • Item descriptions were not being updated in the Sale Price Maintenance window after insertion.
  • Forced customer ranking reports for TopN reports to descending in the event that the descending flag was removed in the report template.
  • Container costs for cloned transactions were not being recalculated until the the transaction was saved and reloaded.
  • Inventory order multiplier was incorrectly allowing negative numbers to be saved.
  • Images for stock codes that contain illegal characters for the Windows file system are not included with the inventory image extract.
  • Defaulted values during imports to date fields are not updating properly.
  • Unable to enter trailing ? to indicate starts with text match for the beginning category in report criteria.
  • Customer sales ranking report not sorting properly.
  • Right click menu popup on the order shipping window was triggering Atrex login if the user does not have rights to change transaction date.
  • Credit card entries entered onto transactions cannot be deleted if not using an integrated card processor.
  • Stock code rename/merge not properly updating the PO Quote Item table.
  • Tag lookup table is not being validated during batch processing.
  • Deleting inventory categories or manufacturers was not deleting related sale price or customer special pricing entries.
  • Using "begins with", "like", or "ends" with filtering on a full text indexed field is throwing query error.

--- End of 22.00 ---

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