Atrex 14 Change List

The following is a list of changes that have been made to the Atrex 14 package, broken down into functional areas. Please note that this list is preliminary. Inclusion of an entry on this list does not guarantee that the feature or change will be present in the final release of Atrex 14.

Purchase Orders
Service Orders
Printing/Report Designer
Functionality Changes


  • Spell checking has been added to most memo fields as well as the additional item fields on transactions.
  • After authorizing a credit, debit, or gift card, cancelling of the card processing window is disabled to prevent losing the authorization information.
  • Attempting to cancel a transaction for which a credit card, debit card, or gift card has been authorized will warn the user that the authorization will not be cancelled.
  • Improved startup time for client/server configurations across a WAN and large numbers of connected users.
  • Credit card information window will show the first address line and city for the addresses rather than just indication of shipping or billing address.
  • Added ability to apply existing credits to new transactions at time of creation rather than having to post the credits afterwards.
  • Emailed transactions will now have the company name pre-appended to the email subject.
  • Added new date constants for quick date entry
    * BOY - Beginning of Year
    * EOY - End of Year
    * LYTD - Last Year This Date
  • Inventory price update function now updates the price category values used in the price calculations on the associated items before recalculating prices.
  • Added warning that is displayed when editing invoices, orders, or completed service orders that the changes to the transaction will show up on the original date of the transaction.
  • System "Beep" sound will be played when a stock code is entered that does not exist to alert user when scanning of a stock code that scans properly but does not have a corresponding entry in Atrex.
  • Backup file are now named consistent between manually created backups and automated server backups.
  • Cash Rounding - For currencies that have withdrawn coins such as the penny from circulation (e.g., AUD, CAD, NZD), this function allows Atrex to automatically round cash payments to the next available coin. Once configured, the amount a customer is required to pay when tendering cash is determined by the specified rounding rules with the transaction balance recorded as a positive or negative rounding payment depending on whether the amount was rounded up or down.
  • Availability of 64bit ODBC driver.
  • Significantly improved database structure verification performance compared to version 13.

PCI Compliance

  • Added optional credit card tokenization capabilities to increase PCI compliance for credit card processing for manually entered cards or imported orders.
  • Added optional End to End Encryption credit card processing through Mercury Payment Systems to remove Atrex from PCI compliance scope for card present transactions.
  • Atrex security is always enabled and user login is required for all installations.
  • Users are required to re-login after 30 minutes of idle time.

Standard Field Size Changes

  • Increased default length of customer quick notes and stock code reminder fields from 90 to 128.
  • Increased length of stock code location field from 15 to 35.

User Defined Field Sizes

  • Enabled user defined field sizing for product location field.
  • Enabled user defined field sizing for customer quick note and stock code reminder fields.
  • Enabled user defined field sizing for transaction tracking number field.


Invoices/Orders/Quotes - Common

  • Alternate ship address will honor the selected name format rather than defaulting to lastname, firstname.
  • Increment scan function is now available during order and quote creation.
  • Added Google Maps speed buttons to alternate ship address window to display the current address via Google Maps in a browser.


  • Multiple payments of the same type can be made for the same transaction. (split payment between two credit cards).
  • Rapid invoices will automatically assume overpayment indicates that the overpaid amount will be given back as change returned.
  • Added ability to specify increment scan quantity by pressing F2 at stock code entry window.

Recurring Invoices

  • Added ability to change customer during creation or when editing open recurring invoices.
  • Recurring invoice selection window is now defaulted to sort by customer name rather than number.
  • Consolidated credit card numbers into the customer credit card table to allow for easier updating of cards used on multiple recurring invoices.


  • Added Merge function to allow for combining multiple open orders for the same customer into a single order.
  • Added refresh button to open order selection window.
  • Added general tab to order shipping window to allow access to most of the information on the order at time of shipping.
  • Multiple payments of the same type can be made for the same transaction. (split payment between two credit cards).


Stock Information Window

  • Added support for Environmental Handling Fee (EHF) items. Inventory items can be associated with a EHF item and have the EHF item automatically added to a sales or service transaction and maintain the same quantity as the original item added. This allows for handling of per-item recycling fees or deposits.
  • Added ability to store multiple images for each stock code.
  • Added button to online description editor to allow access directly to the raw HTML.
  • Modified HTML link editor to use a target of _blank for embedded links.
  • Added documents tab.

Stock Code History Window

  • Added extended price and totals for quantity and extended price.

Stock Code Allocated detail Window

  • Added transaction date.

Stock Label Printing

  • Added right click option to load from file.

Serialized Editing Window

  • Removed Stock # column in default view and expanded the assigned to column.

Container Definition and Customization Windows

  • Added suppress printing to the list of fields available for customization

Inventory Transfers

  • Direct transfers will now populate the remote number field on the receiving end of direct transfers. This will help prevent duplicate receives if a transfer disk is also made.
  • Added ability to print inventory labels after receiving a transfer.

Purchase Orders

  • Batch PO Creation will now allow duplicate line items.
  • PO Direct Receiving will now allow duplicate line items.
  • Added right click option to edit stock codes directly from within PO function. Changes to the stock code will be propagated back to the PO items.
  • Added sale price and list price to list of fields available for customization on PO and Batch PO create windows.
  • Added refresh button to open PO selection window.
  • Modified PO unreceive function to allow for unreceiving of receiving sessions with duplicate stock codes.
  • Added PO Total and Outstanding columns to the open PO selection window.
  • Increased size of External PO field from 15 to 20.


Customer Information Window

  • Tax category selection is now a fixed list to prevent customers from being assigned to tax categories that do not exist.
  • Added "Cost" as a pricing option.
  • Added document size to the documents tab.
  • Added delete confirmation to credit card tab to prevent accidental card deletions.
  • Added Google Maps speed buttons to display the current address via Google Maps in a browser.
  • Added markup from cost and margin from cost as price calculation options for customer special pricing.

Customer Selection Window

  • Changing search index will no longer clear out the search text field.

Customer View Window

  • Documents and Contacts button will be enabled only if the customer has associated documents or contacts

Customer Sales History Window

  • Added the total for the transactions listed in the history window..

Customer Pricing Maintenance

  • Added new customer pricing maintenance to allow setting of pricing levels for multiple customers at a time.


Vendor Information Window

  • Added documents tab.
  • Added contacts tab.
  • Added Google Maps speed buttons to display the current address via Google Maps in a browser.

Vendor Selection Window

  • Changing search index will no longer clear out the search text field.


  • Added separate option to allow or disallow editing of inventory quantity.
  • Added ability to configure each individual user with custom email settings.
  • Added security option to allow for viewing of unmasked credit card numbers from the credit card information window.


  • Added Job number to job list for easier identification.
  • Added ability to change order of jobs via popup menu or Ctrl-Up/Ctrl-Down keyboard commands.
  • Increment scan function is now available during service order and service order quote creation.
  • Added ability to take multiple payments of the same payment type for each transaction.
  • Added shop parts calculation option to add a percentage of the service order total onto the SO to cover misc shop parts.

Service Order Selection Window

  • Added refresh button to open SO selection window.
  • This window is now customizable to increase the size and add additional fields to the grid. The new fields available are Alternate Serial Number, Manufacturer, Model, Purchase Date, Serial Number, and Service Rep.

Open Service Order Selection Window

  • This window is now customizable to increase the size and add additional fields to the grid. The new fields available are Alternate Serial Number, Manufacturer, Model, Purchase Date, Serial Number, and Service Rep.


  • Added Web address and email fields to vendor list and Vendor Detail report.
  • Added PO # and Vendor Invoice Number fields to the PO Detailed Receiving report.



  • Modified central and data locations to prevent addition of both IP AND Host addresses to prevent confusion or incorrect configuration setup.
  • Added ability to use a trigger file to open cash drawers that cannot normally be opened via a printer or serial port.
  • Default email configuration is now centralized in the company information setup.
  • Added ability to broadcast and receive configuration information across local area network for easier setup of workstations.


  • Import mapping window now displays the source file or table in the caption.
  • Enhanced the stock code image import function to import binary images directly from the source table when importing from a Atrex database.

Report Designer

  • Added PDF417 2D bar codes as an available component.
  • Added selected format tab to Report Maintenance window to make determining which templates are in use easier when customizing reports.

Functionality Changes

This section lists changes to the program that either remove or substantially change previously existing behavior within the Atrex package.

  • Goldmine integration is no longer supported.
  • All payment information on invoice, order, service orders, and the AR tables has been moved to a separate table. To help reduce the impact of these changes, a optional compatibility mode is present to allow most reports designed for Atrex 11, 12, and 13 to function properly. Once a report is opened and modified in Atrex 14, it must be manually updated to accommodate the new database structure.

If you are upgrading from a version of Atrex earlier than 13, version 14 will also include the changes that went into versions Atrex 8, Atrex 9, Atrex 10, Atrex 11, Atrex 12, and Atrex 13.

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